3 research outputs found

    Exploitation of the knowledge of the final demand in the piloting of a logistics chain.

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    The transition from synchronous supplies to synchronous production represent a possible alternative to the neighbourhood logistics configurations, especially in the automotive industry. It allows to gain, on certain conditions, efficiency and more manoeuvrability faced with a strong variability of the demand on the supply chain. The utilization of the Order Penetration Point (OPP) will introduce problems in piloting production between clients and suppliers processes. This article is based on several working assumptions which form an algorithm for the resolution of this problem resulting from an analysis of two industrial cases with stochastic models.synchronous production; supply chain; anticipation; piloting of flows; order penetration point; kanban;

    Scheduling Coordination in a Supply Chain Using Advance Demand Information.

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    In an environment of mass customization where demand information can be placed in advance with sequencing orders, the question of the best use of this information arises in a supply chain. This situation led the authors to analyze the efficiency of current mechanisms of scheduling coordination when suppliers' processes are not completely reliable. Policies such as periodic replenishment or the kanban system, characterized by a replacement of the items to consume, cannot be exploited effectively with the current rules. This paper presents and justifies new scheduling coordination rules allowing synchronous production in an unreliable environment. This new approach has been benchmarked in the automotive industry as an appropriate method to avoid stockouts and decrease the safety stock.Chaîne logistique; Synchronisation de la production dans une chaîne logistique; kanban; Production synchrone; Point de Pénétration de commande;

    De l’approvisionnement synchrone à la production synchrone dans la chaîne logistique

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    Le passage de l'approvisionnement synchrone à la production synchrone constitue une alternative aux configurations logistiques de proximité souvent utilisées dans les chaînes logistiques orientées vers la production de masse de produits fortement diversifiés et devant satisfaire très rapidement les clients, comme c'est le cas dans l'industrie automobile. Cette transformation offre de nouveaux degrés de liberté susceptibles, sous certaines conditions, d'apporter des gains d'efficience. Figer plus tôt certaines décisions accroît le risque de divergence entre prévision et réalisation. De nouveaux mécanismes correcteurs doivent être imaginés. On s'attache ici à identifier ces transformations et leurs conséquences pour les partenaires de la chaîne logistique, en s'appuyant sur le concept de point de pénétration de commande qui facilite l'analyse de l'interdépendanceThe transition from synchronous supplies to synchronous production represent a possible alternative to the neighbourhood logistics configurations, especially in the automotive industry. It permits to gain, on certain conditions, efficiency and more freedom of manoeuvre faced with a strong variability of the demand on the supply chain. By frozing some decisions earlier, it has for consequence a risk of change between what is expected and what is realized, which is necessary to counter by the implementation of new correctives mechanisms. This article will identify the changes and consequences for partners of the supply chain. The utilization of the concept of Order Penetration Point (OPP) make the analyse of interdependence between client’s process and supplier’s process easierou